Aktiviteter fra FoMoHo
“Provide or prevent? Science talk with Line Kryger Aagaard”
Line Kryger Aagaard
BLOXHUB, København, 13. december 2024
Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag › Foredrag og præsentationer i privat eller offentlig virksomhed
“Christmas Consumerism”
Line Kryger Aagaard
Keynote on the Sustainability Innovation Camp, organised by Actory and Sustainary, 2. december 2024
Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag › Foredrag og præsentationer i privat eller offentlig virksomhed
"Fremtidens grønne mobilitet - hvordan kan den se ud i praksis?"
Toke Haunstrup Christensen
Det Fælles Bedste, Workshop, Aarhus, 9. november 2024.
Link: https://detfaellesbedste.dk/
“Mad, mobilitet og bolig i det bæredygtige hverdagsliv”
Line Kryger Aagaard
Byplansmøde 2024: Klima & Kvalitet, Odense, 3. oktober 2024
Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag › Foredrag og præsentationer i privat eller offentlig virksomhed
“Transforming Consumption-Production Relationships? Unsustainable Lock-ins and Possible Pathways across Food, Mobility and Housing”
Line Kryger Aagaard & Kirsten Gram-Hanssen
16th conference of the European Sociological Association: Tension, Trust and Transformation, Universidade do Porto, 30. August 2024
Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag › Konferenceoplæg
“Normalisation as dynamic of change towards less resource-heavy consumption? Examples from across food, mobility and housing”
Line Kryger Aagaard & Bente Halkier
16th conference of the European Sociological Association: Tension, Trust and Transformation, Universidade do Porto, 30. August 2024
Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag › Konferenceoplæg
”Life-course Transitions as Moments for Fostering Sustainable Consumption: Exploring activity connections and their coordination within and between everyday practices”
Amanda Krog Juvik & Dale Southerton
16th conference of the European Sociological Association: Tension, Trust and Transformation, Universidade do Porto, 29. August 2024
Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag › Konferenceoplæg
”Food, Mobility and Housing practices – Structural stories revisited’
Malene Freudendal-Pedersen
Mobilities controversies - Place, Justice, Democracy, Aalborg Universitet, August 2024
"Can existing resource-intensive infrastructures and institutions be ‘reprogrammed’ to promote everyday practices of sufficiency?"
Toke Haunstrup Christensen
RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2024, London, UK, August 2024
Link: https://www.rgs.org/research/annual-international-conference/ac2024-roundup
“Reading for difference across food, mobility and housing: a community economies approach to sustainable consumption-production relationships”
Line Kryger Aagaard
EASST-4S 2024: Making and doing transformations, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 17. juli 2024
Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag › Konferenceoplæg
Amanda Krog Juvik's PhD defense at the Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen
Title: Towards a less resource-intensive everyday life? Exploring relations between food, mobility, and housing practices
Department of sociology, University of Copenhagen, June 2024
Link: https://www.sociology.ku.dk/about/calendar/2024/amanda-krog-juviks-phd-defence-at-the-department-of-sociology/
Caroline Samson’s PhD defense at Department of Sustainability and Planning, Aalborg University
Title: Practice in place: Enabling climate-friendly changes
Department of Sustainability and Planning, Aalborg University, June 2024
Link: https://www.plan.aau.dk/phd-defence-by-caroline-samson-e112062
"Produce, provide, prevent? Stakeholder perspectives for sustainable consumption"
Line Kryger Aagaard (foredragsholder), 2. november 2023
Transformative Connections: Building Diverse Relations for a Just Green Transition, Aalborg Universitet, København, 2. november 2023
Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag › Konferenceoplæg
"Food, Mobility and Housing in the Sustainable Transition of Everyday Life"
Kirsten Gram-Hanssen (Foredragsholder), Toke Haunstrup Bach Christensen (Foredragsholder) & Bente Halkier (Foredragsholder)
Seminário GI SHIFT, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, online, 20 april 2023
Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag › Undervisning og kursusvirksomhed ved andre universiteter
“Flexing resource-intensive household practices in times of crisis”
Amanda Krog Juvik
Digital Energy Futures Symposium, Monash University, Melbourne, February 2023.
Link: https://www.monash.edu/emerging-tech-research-lab/news-and-events/news/call-for-papers-digital-energy-futures-international-symposium-energy,-automation,-anticipation
Seminar Series - Center for Urban Studies, RMIT
Amanda Krog Juvik
Center for Urban Studies, RMIT University, Februar 2023.
Link: https://www.rmit.edu.au/research/centres-collaborations/centre-for-urban-research
“Capturing everyday life using mental mobilities mapping”
Amanda Krog Juvik; Caroline Samson
American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, New York, Marts 2022
Link: https://www.aag.org/events/2022-aag-annual-meeting/
“Convenient routines across food, mobility and housing in relation to sustainable consumption”
Amanda Krog Juvik & Bente Halkier
Midterm Konference, Research Network of Sociology of Consumption, Oslo, August 2022
Link: https://uni.oslomet.no/sociology-of-consumption-2022/
Amanda Krog Juvik; Caroline Samson
Københavns Kommunes Klimaenhed til deres enhedsseminar, 21 september 2022.
“Change and reproduction of consumption patterns within food, housing and mobility: The balances of routinisation and reflexivity?”
Bente Halkier (Other), Toke Haunstrup Christensen (Lecturer), Kirsten Gram-Hanssen (Other), Malene Freudendal-Pedersen (Other) & Amanda Krog Juvik (Other)
2 Sept 2022
Activity: Talks and presentations › Conference presentations
“Developing a concept of Institutional Material Arrangements to analyse consumption within food, mobility, and housing”
Kirsten Gram-Hanssen (Lecturer), Malene Freudendal-Pedersen (Lecturer), Bente Halkier (Lecturer), Toke Haunstrup Christensen (Lecturer) & Caroline Samson (Lecturer)
1 Sept 2022
Activity: Talks and presentations › Conference presentations
Bente Halkier
Susy Climate Talks, University of Copenhagen, Februar 2022.
Bente Halkier
Aalborg University, Oktober 2021